Andy Warhol Pop Box: Fame, the Factory, and the Father of American Pop Art
Category: Books,Humor & Entertainment,Pop Culture
Andy Warhol Pop Box: Fame, the Factory, and the Father of American Pop Art Details
Review For a goofy way to pass a rainy day, dig into an Andy Warhol Pop Box. This hot-pink time capsule preserves snippets of a chaotic life of timeless fame. Chronicle Books, which produced the $24.95 curiosity, has filled it with 'exact reproductions of ephemera from the Factory years and beyond." Warhol was unrestrained as a collector and kept corrugated boxes full of notes, invitations and other tidbits on the floor of his office. Each was dated and sealed when full, creating a series of conceptual artworks. With a cow-face stamp, a note from Mick Jagger, postcards and an astrological chart, this box is good for at least 15 minutes of fun. -Washington Post Read more
I recently gifted this box to an extremely knowledgeable fan of Andy Warhol and the Factory, who gleefully assures me of the excellence of its content. The box includes an explanatory booklet for the uninitiated (like me), which illuminates the significance of each scrap of paper and memorabilia. Said memorabilia includes replicas of post cards from Warhol to his mother, a letter from Mick Jagger, artwork, and other Warhol ephemera. It's quite fun and interesting, even to someone who lacks a previous base of Warhol knowledge.